Up-to-date list available from Pubmed. Links are added as articles gain free access.
Okhuarobo A, Angelo M, Bolton JL, Lopez C, Igbe I, Baram TZ, Contet C (2023) Influence of early-life adversity on responses to acute and chronic ethanol in female mice. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 47(2):336-347. Read article
Macedo GC, Kreifeldt M, Goulding SP, Okhuarobo A, Sidhu H, Contet C (2023) Chronic MAP4343 reverses escalated alcohol drinking in a mouse model of alcohol use disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology, 48(5):821 830. Read article
Siddiqi MT, Podder D, Pahng AR, Athanason AC, Nadav T, Cates-Gatto C, Kreifeldt M, Contet C, Roberts AJ, Edwards S, Roberto M, Varodayan FP (2023) Prefrontal cortex glutamatergic adaptations in a mouse model of alcohol use disorder. Addiction Neuroscience, 9:100137. Read article
Okhuarobo A, Kreifeldt M, Gandhi PJ, Lopez C, Martinez B, Fleck K, Bajo M, Bhattacharyya P, Dopico AM, Roberto M, Roberts AJ, Homanics GE, Contet C. Ethanol’s interaction with BK channel α subunit residue K361 does not mediate behavioral responses to alcohol in mice. Molecular Psychiatry, online ahead of print. Read article
Kreifeldt K, Herman MA, Sidhu H, Okhuarobo A, Macedo GC, Shahryari R, Gandhi PJ, Roberto M, Contet C (2022) Central amygdala corticotropin-releasing factor neurons promote hyponeophagia but do not control alcohol drinking in mice. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(5):2502-2513. Read article
Patel RR, Wolfe SA, Borgonetti V, Gandhi PJ, Rodriguez L, Snyder AE, D'Ambrosio S, Bajo M, Domissy A, Head S, Contet C, Dayne Mayfield R, Roberts AJ, Roberto M (2022) Ethanol withdrawal-induced adaptations in prefrontal corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1-expressing neurons regulate anxiety and conditioned rewarding effects of ethanol. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(8):3441-3451. Read article
Shah T, Dunning JL, Contet C (2021) At the heart of the interoception network: Influence of the parasubthalamic nucleus on autonomic functions and motivated behaviors. Neuropharmacology, 204:108906.
Avchalumov Y, Oliver RJ, Trenet W, Heyer Osorno RE, Sibley BD, Purohit DC, Contet C, Roberto M, Woodward JJ, Mandyam CD (2021) Chronic ethanol exposure differentially alters neuronal function in the medial prefrontal cortex and dentate gyrus. Neuropharmacology, 185:1084638. Read article
Kimbrough A, Lurie DJ, Collazo A, Kreifeldt M, Sidhu H, Macedo GC, D'Esposito M, Contet C, George O (2020) Brain-wide functional architecture remodeling by alcohol dependence and abstinence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 117(4):2149-2159. Read article
Agoglia AE, Zhu M, Ying R, Sidhu H, Natividad LA, Wolfe SA, Buczynski MW, Contet C, Parsons LH, Roberto M, Herman MA (2020) Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptor-1 Neurons in the Lateral Amygdala Display Selective Sensitivity to Acute and Chronic Ethanol Exposure. eNeuro, 5;7(2):ENEURO.0420-19.2020. Read article
Xu J, Ma HY, Liu X, Rosenthal S, Baglieri J, McCubbin R, Sun M, Koyama Y, Geoffroy CG, Saijo K, Shang L, Nishio T, Maricic I, Kreifeldt M, Kusumanchi P, Roberts A, Zheng B, Kumar V, Zengler K, Pizzo DP, Hosseini M, Contet C, Glass CK, Liangpunsakul S, Tsukamoto H, Gao B, Karin M, Brenner DA, Koob GF, Kisseleva T (2020) Blockade of IL-17 signaling reverses alcohol-induced liver injury and excessive alcohol drinking in mice. JCI Insight, 5(3):e131277. Read article
Okhuarobo A, Bolton JL, Igbe I, Zorrilla EP, Baram TZ, Contet C (2020) A novel mouse model for vulnerability to alcohol dependence induced by early-life adversity. Neurobiol Stress, 13:100269. Read article
Wolfe S*, Sidhu H*, Patel R*, Kreifeldt M, D’Ambrosio S, Contet C#, Roberto M# (2019) Molecular, morphological and functional characterization of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1-expressing neurons in the central nucleus of the amygdala. eNeuro, 6(3) a0087-19.2019 1-16. (*, #: equal contributions). Read article
Goulding SP*, de Gulgielmo G*, Carrette LLG, George O, Contet C (2019) Systemic administration of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (S)-CR8 selectively reduces escalated ethanol intake in dependent rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 43(10):2079-2089 (*: equal contributions). Read article
Varodayan FP*, Sidhu H*, Kreifeldt M, Roberto M, Contet C (2018) Morphological and functional evidence of increased excitatory signaling in the prelimbic cortex during ethanol withdrawal. Neuropharmacology, 133:470-480. (*: equal contributions). Read article
Schmeichel B*, Matzeu A*, Koebel P, Vendruscolo LF, Sidhu H, Shahryari R, Kieffer BL, Koob GF, Martin-Fardon R#, Contet C# (2018) Knockdown of Hypocretin Attenuates Extended-Access Cocaine Self-Administration in Rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(12):2372-2382. (*, #: equal contributions). Read article
Sidhu H, Kreifeldt M, Contet C (2018) Affective disturbances during withdrawal from chronic intermittent ethanol inhalation in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J male mice. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 42(7):1281-1290. Read article
Somkuwar SS, Vendruscolo LF, Fannon MJ, Schmeichel BE, Nguyen TB, Guevara J, Sidhu H, Contet C, Zorrilla EP, Mandyam CD (2017) Abstinence from prolonged ethanol exposure affects plasma corticosterone, glucocorticoid receptor signaling and stress-related behaviors. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 84:17-31. Read article
Goulding SP, Szumlinski KK, Contet C, MacCoss MJ, Wu CC (2017) A mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis of Homer2-interacting proteins in the mouse brain. J Proteomics, 166:127-137. Read article
Verheij M*, Contet C*, Karel P, Latour J, van der Doelen RHA, Geenen B, van Hulten JA, Meyer F, Kozicz T, George O, Koob GF#, Homberg JR# (2017) Median and dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons control moderate versus compulsive cocaine intake. Biol Psychiatry, 83(12):1024-1035. (*, #: equal contributions). Read article
Contet C, Goulding SP, Kuljis DA, Barth AL (2016) BK channels in the central nervous system. In C Contet (Ed), Big on BK: Current Insights into the Function of Large Conductance Voltage- and Ca2+- Activated K+ Channels at the Molecular, Cellular and Systemic Levels. Int Rev Neurobiol, Vol. 128, Chapter 8. Read chapter Request other chapters of the book
Munoz MB, Padgett CL, Rifkin R, Terunuma M, Wickman K, Contet C, Moss SJ, Slesinger PA (2016) A Role for the GIRK3 Subunit in Methamphetamine-Induced Attenuation of GABAB Receptor-Activated GIRK Currents in VTA Dopamine Neurons. J Neurosci, 36(11):3106-14. Read article
Verheij M, Vendruscolo L, Caffino L, Giannotti G, Cazorla M, Fumagalli F, Riva MA, Homberg J, Koob GF, Contet C (2016) Systemic delivery of a brain-penetrant TrkB antagonist reduces cocaine self-administration and normalizes TrkB signaling in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci, 36(31):8149-59. Read article
Herman MA, Contet C, Roberto M (2016) A functional switch in tonic GABA currents alters the output of central amygdala CRF receptor-1 neurons following chronic ethanol exposure. J Neurosci, 36(42):10729-10741. Read article
Ma HY, Xu J, Liu X, Zhu Y, Gao B, Karin M, Tsukamoto H, Jeste DV, Grant I, Roberts AJ, Contet C, Geoffroy C, Zheng B, Brenner D, Kisseleva T (2016) The role of IL-17 signaling in regulation of the liver-brain axis and intestinal permeability in Alcoholic Liver Disease. Curr Pathobiol Rep, 4(1):27-35. Read article
Schmeichel BE, Barbier E, Misra KK, Contet C, Schlosburg JE, Grigoriadis D, Williams JP, Karlsson C, Pitcairn C, Heilig M, Koob GF, Vendruscolo LF (2015) Hypocretin receptor 2 antagonism dose-dependently reduces escalated heroin self-administration in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40:1123-9. Read article
Herman MA, Sidhu H, Stouffer DG, Kreifeldt M, Le D, Cates-Gatto C, Munoz MB, Roberts AJ, Parsons LH, Roberto M, Wickman K, Slesinger PA, Contet C (2015) GIRK3 gates activation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway by ethanol. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(22):7091-7096. Read article
Kreifeldt M, Cates-Gatto C, Roberts AJ, Contet C (2015) BK channel β1 subunit contributes to behavioral adaptations elicited by chronic intermittent ethanol exposure. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 39(12):2394-402. Read article
Cohen A, Whitfield TW, Kreifeldt M, Koebel P, Kieffer BL, Contet C, George O, Koob GF (2014) Virus-mediated shRNA knockdown of prodynorphin in the rat nucleus accumbens attenuates depression-like behavior and cocaine locomotor sensitization. PLoS One, 9(5):e97216. Read article
Grieder TE, Herman M, Contet C, Tan LA, Vargas-Perez H, Cohen A, Chwalek M, Maal-Bared G, Freiling J, Schlosburg JE, Clarke L, Crawford E, Koebel P, Canonigo V, Sanna P, Tapper A, Roberto M, Kieffer BL, Sawchecko PE, Koob GF, van der Kooy D, George O (2014) VTA CRF neurons control the aversive effects of nicotine withdrawal and promote escalation of nicotine intake. Nat Neurosci, 17(12):1751-8. Read article
Contet C, Kim A, Le D, Iyengar SK, Kotzebue RW, Yuan CJ, Kieffer BL, Mandyam CD (2014) μ-Opioid receptors mediate the effects of chronic ethanol binge drinking on the hippocampal neurogenic niche. Addict Biol, 19(5):770-80. Read article
Herman MA, Contet C, Justice NJ, Vale W, Roberto M (2013) Novel subunit-specific tonic GABA currents and differential effects of ethanol in the central amygdala of CRF receptor-1 reporter mice. J Neurosci, 33(8):3284-98. Read article
Kreifeldt M, Le D, Treistman SN, Koob GF, Contet C (2013) BK channel β1 and β4 auxiliary subunits exert opposite influences on escalated ethanol drinking in dependent mice. Front Integr Neurosci, 7:105. Read article
Contet C (2012) Gene expression under the influence: Transcriptional profiling of ethanol in the brain. Curr Psychopharmacol, 1(4):301-314. Read article